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Minimalist style : decoration trend with a pure design

Bien plus que de simples pots de fleurs, les vases design sont aujourd’hui de vrais objets de décoration moderne. Ces vases décoratifs s’apparentent à de véritables œuvres d’art, à la fois épurées et travaillées. Les vases contemporains complètent ainsi vos intérieurs avec délicatesse et harmonie. 


Parce qu’un vase moderne peut habiller une pièce par son charme, l'Alufacture met un point d’honneur à vous proposer des vases design et originaux. Nos vases modernes sont conçus pour embellir vos compositions florales et également pour décorer votre intérieur.

Nos produits


L’Alufacture, a tribute to our craft.

L'Alufacture evokes the alliance between aluminium and the craftsmen and women that fashion it ; we suggest a certain idea of the manufacture, this industrial establishment where the quality of the workforce is the cornerstone of success. Thus we remind ourselves of the essential link between a raw material and the savoir-faire of those who work it, exemplifying the osmosis between a metal and its metallurgist.


L’Alufacture, a tribute to our craft.

L'Alufacture evokes the alliance between aluminium and the craftsmen and women that fashion it ; we suggest a certain idea of the manufacture, this industrial establishment where the quality of the workforce is the cornerstone of success. Thus we remind ourselves of the essential link between a raw material and the savoir-faire of those who work it, exemplifying the osmosis between a metal and its metallurgist.

Vase design en aluminium Building
Vase design en aluminium Novem


L’Alufacture, a tribute to our craft.

L'Alufacture evokes the alliance between aluminium and the craftsmen and women that fashion it ; we suggest a certain idea of the manufacture, this industrial establishment where the quality of the workforce is the cornerstone of success. Thus we remind ourselves of the essential link between a raw material and the savoir-faire of those who work it, exemplifying the osmosis between a metal and its metallurgist.


L’Alufacture, a tribute to our craft.

L'Alufacture evokes the alliance between aluminium and the craftsmen and women that fashion it ; we suggest a certain idea of the manufacture, this industrial establishment where the quality of the workforce is the cornerstone of success. Thus we remind ourselves of the essential link between a raw material and the savoir-faire of those who work it, exemplifying the osmosis between a metal and its metallurgist.

Vase design en aluminium Orgue
Vase design en aluminium Babel


L’Alufacture, a tribute to our craft.

L'Alufacture evokes the alliance between aluminium and the craftsmen and women that fashion it ; we suggest a certain idea of the manufacture, this industrial establishment where the quality of the workforce is the cornerstone of success. Thus we remind ourselves of the essential link between a raw material and the savoir-faire of those who work it, exemplifying the osmosis between a metal and its metallurgist.

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